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Laboratory of Chemistry and Application of Biomaterials


Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

研究方向 / Research Areas

自然界存在有許許多多的資源可供利用,如醣類、蛋白質、油脂與核酸,尤其是具有高分子特性的醣類與蛋白質是具有開發潛力之可再生材料,這些生物性高分子經過加工或改質後可以製作成為環保的日常生活用品或是生醫相容性材料。本研究室以生物高分子為研究材料,進行改質或以複合方式進行新穎生物性材料之研究與開發,包括生物可分解性 (薄膜或容器)、生物相容性 (化妝品、藥品、人工器官)、乳化性 (以微膠囊形式包覆脂溶性藥物或香氣分子分散於水溶液中)、纖維素的自組液晶排列 (一般印刷染料、鈔票防偽、色紙)等。




Research and applications on biodegradable biopolymers and nanomaterials

There are abundant of utilizable resources in the nature, such as sugars, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Moreover, polymeric sugars and proteins have the potential for development of renewable materials, and these biopolymers could be utilized as environmentally friendly products or biomedically compatible products after processing or modifications. Our laboratory uses biopolymers as research material, and conduct researches and developments of these biopolymers through chemical modifications or compositing to produce newly developed biomaterials, which includes biodegradability (films or packaging), biocompatibility (cosmetics, drugs, and artificial organs), emulsifying property (through microcapsules to encapsulate lipid-soluble drugs or dispersibility of aroma compounds in water), self-arrangement liquid crystal arrangement of cellulose (printing dyes, banknote anti-counterfeiting, colored paper), etc.

Separation and purification of functional food composition, product development and application

Using chemical methods to extract and purify functional compositions with physiological activity from natural crops, such as phytosterols, oligosaccharides, dietary fibers, etc. Using molecular weight measurements and structural analysis to identify the chemical structure of functional composition, as well as developing composite food products with real-life applications using the functional compositions.

Cereal products development and applications

Cereals are the most important food crops for humans, at which its materials and applications could include food and non-food products, and greatly influences human life. Aside from exploring the control of process factors quality, product development and quality from the perspective of raw materials, this laboratory also explores cereal products research and development from the perspective of molecular structure and motion. Besides, we also collaborated with international research institutions, to establish relevant standard methods on cereals compositional analysis and quality test.

Research on water molecules mobility and storage stability in the food system

Water molecules play an important role in the food system, at which its mobility and availability influences the rearrangement and interactions in the internal composition of the food products during manufacturing and storage. It is one of the significant factors that influences the shelf life, quality deterioration, and microbial growth of food products. This laboratory focuses on nondestructive methods nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis to explore the mobility of water molecules during processing or storage in food systems, at the same time also utilizes differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), textural analysis, water activity, colorimeter to discuss the changes in physicochemical properties

Latest Publications

Effects of roasting on storage degradability and processing suitability of brown rice powder

LWT-Food Science and Technology 161:113277

Miho Fukui, Md Zohurul Islam, Hsi-Mei Lai, Yutaka Kitamura and Mito Kokawa. 2022.

To screen the best roasting condition for development of new roasted brown rice products, c.f., roasted brown rice slurry, the storage stability and processing suitability of roasted brown rice powder were studied. In this study, roasted brown rice (BR) powders were prepared with different roasting levels of raw, light roast, medium roast and dark roast. Analyses of roasted BR powder's color, degradability (moisture content, water activity, and acid value), antioxidant activity, processing properties (pasting properties and thermal properties) were carried out. Lower L* value and higher a* value was observed with higher roasting levels. Degradability significantly improved in roasted samples and dark roasted sample showed the lowest water content and acid value though water activity value was the most favorable in light roasted sample (0.2< aw <0.4). Furthermore, antioxidant activity became significantly higher in roasted samples and dark roast showed the highest activity even after 4 wk of storage (21.1–25.9%). In terms of processing suitability, the increased pasting temperature and decreased peak viscosity were observed upon roasting. Advantageously, dark roasted sample showed highest cooling and heating stability. Overall, dark roasted sample showed the best storage stability and functionality, thus, selected as an optimal roasting level.

Latest Publications

Laboratory of Chemistry and Applications of Biomaterials, Department of Agricultural Chemistry R111, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, 10617

(02) 3366-4816

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